Episode 87 Disempowerment and Distortions of the Sacred: Education and Money

In this reflective episode, inspired by the numerology and astrology of the full moon discussed in the previous podcast, host, Michel Ai Reavis, delves into the disempowerment and distortions surrounding education and money.

Episode 87 highlights the modern challenges within the education system. The reverence for education and teachers seems to have diminished, evidenced by increasing school violence and lack of respect for educators. Moreover, the historical link between education and wealth reveals how knowledge was once a privilege reserved for the affluent. The intertwined nature of money, education, and empowerment emerges, suggesting that the withholding of education historically controlled the masses, continuing cycles of poverty and disempowerment.

The podcast explores the crucial need for financial education, emphasizing that the lack of understanding about money perpetuates disempowerment and profanes the sacredness of prosperity. The episode calls for accessible resources for everyone to empower individuals and break the cycles of control. The host envisions a virtual space for sharing resources and book recommendations, inviting listeners to contribute to this collective learning journey.

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