Episode 94 Vedic Full Moon Wisdom for April 2024: Honoring the Winds of Change and Celebrate Who You Are Becoming Now

Welcome to this Full Moon Vedic Astrology Wisdom episode of the Money Lighthouse Podcast for Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Thank you for tuning in! Host, Michel Ai Reavis, extends a warm welcome as listeners embark on a lunar journey together.

April's full moon, occurring on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, brings forth the cosmic dance of Ashwini and Swati. Swati, symbolized by a bending blade of grass, invites individuals to embrace flexibility and flow with life's currents. It's a time to celebrate uniqueness and find harmony between earthly experiences and spiritual essence.

Throughout the episode, listeners explore the transformative energies of Swati through the lens of Vedic astrology. The episode delves into introspection and contemplation of one's next evolution. It prompts reflection on shedding old aspects to welcome a new, radiant self.

Moreover, the episode emphasizes the importance of communication and broadcasting, aligning with Swati's connection to breath, air, and spoken word. Listeners are invited to convey their truths with clarity and confidence, reaching those who resonate with their healing messages. The full moon season encourages amplifying voices and spreading wisdom far and wide.

Spirit's guidance to lead one's metamorphosis fearlessly is a central theme. It speaks to empowerment, courage, and self-care, urging listeners to step into their transformative journeys with openness. As the episode concludes, listeners are reminded of their potential transformational powers and encouraged to embrace their healing journey with balance and harmony.


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